This pair of trains with a common name connected Boston, Saint John, and Halifax with overnight service. It also conveyed a through sleeper from Boston to northern Maine—for that service, see the Potatoland Special on Track 3.

From the pages of the Official Guide, July 1954

Boston & Maine RR heraldMaine Central RR heraldCanadian Pacific Ry. heraldCanadian National Rys. herald

The Gull

Boston & Maine Railroad
Maine Central Railroad
Canadian Pacific Railway
Canadian National Railways
June 20, 1954

23 Train Number 8
Ex Sa Miles (Boston & Maine RR) Services Ex Su
10 45P Dp 0.0 Boston, MA (EDT) C R Ar 8 45A
26.0 Lawrence, MA C R 8 10A
32.9 Haverhill, NH C R 7 59A
11 40P 50.4 Exeter, NH C
11 56P 67.1 Dover, NH C R 7 20A
12 32A 99.1 Biddeford, ME (See Note) C 6 45A
12 55A Ar 114.7 Portland, ME C R Dp 6 25A
(Maine Central RR)
1 15A Dp114.7 Portland, ME C R M  Ar 6 10A
2 01A Ar150.2 Lewiston, ME C
2 10A Dp
3 10A Ar198.4 Waterville, ME C
142.3 Brunswick, ME C F 5 30A
169.2 Gardiner, ME (See Note) C 4 55A
175.6 Augusta, ME C 4 45A
194.9 Waterville, ME C Dp 4 17A
3 20A Dp Ar 4 15A
215.6 Pittsfield, ME (See Note) C 3 45A
222.6 Newport Junction, ME (See Note) C 3 35A
4 35A 244.4 Northern Maine Jct., ME C
4 45A Ar250.1 Bangor, ME C R 3 00A
Through Sleeper Boston-Calais
123 Connecting Train Number (Maine Central)
6 10A Dp0.0 Bangor, ME
7 10A Ar29.2 Ellsworth, ME
7 17A Dp
10 04A 110.6 Dennysville, ME
11 00A Ar133.5 Calais, ME (EDT)
Through Sleeper Boston-Van Buren
1 Connecting Train Number (Bangor & Aroostook) 8
4 10A Dp0.0 Bangor, ME Ar 9 55P
4 40A Dp 5.7 Northern Maine Jct., ME Dp 9 45P
11 25A Ar 235.6 Van Buren, ME (EDT) Dp 3 15P
5 35A Dp250.1 Bangor, ME C R Ar 2 30A
5 59A 262.3 Oldtown, ME C 2 10A
6 35A 285.2 Enfield, ME
6 56A 294.5 Lincoln, ME C 1 22A
7 21A 307.7 Mattawamkeag, ME C 1 01A
316.0 Kingman, ME C 12 46A
325.3 Wytopitlock, ME 12 32A
8 10A 337.7 Danforth, ME C 12 13A
8 25A 347.3 Forest, ME 11 55P
8 42A 358.8 Lambert Lake, ME
8 50AAr 363.8 Vanceboro, ME (EDT) C MDp 11 30P
114 Continuing Train Number (Canadian Pacific) 113
9 15A Dp363.8 Vanceboro, ME (AST) C M Ar 11 10P
M10 00A 369.7 McAdam, NB C M 10 35P
10 30A 389.0 Harvey, NB F10 06P
11 05A 409.7 Fredericton Junction, NB 9 34P
11 16A 417.2 Hoyt, NB
11 34A 430.3 Welsford, NB
11 48A 440.1 Westfield Beach, NB F 8 45P
11 56A 444.2 Grand Bay, NB F 8 39P
12 10P 451.9 Lancaster, NB
12 20PAr 454.1 Saint John, NB (AST) C MDp 8 20P
Through Sleeper Boston-Halifax
14 Train Number 13
Ex Su Miles (Canadian National) Services Ex Su
1 00PDp 0.0 Saint John, NB (AST) C MAr 5 45P
F 1 20P 8.9 Rothesay, NB C 5 25P
1 42P 22.0 Hampton, NB C 4 58P
27.7 Bloomfield, NB C F 4 47P
2 00P 32.7 Norton, NB C 4 39P
2 10P 39.3 Apohaqui, NB C 4 29P
2 21P 43.8 Sussex, NB C 4 18P
2 55P 66.4 Petitcodiac, NB C 3 38P
3 02P 71.2 River Glade, NB C 3 29P
3 10P 76.0 Salisbury, NB C 3 22P
3 35PAr 89.4 Moncton, NB C MDp 2 55P
60 Continuing Train Number (Canadian National) 59
4 30PDp 89.4 Moncton, NB C MAr 1 55P
5 00P 110.3 College Bridge, NB C 1 17P
5 10P 115.9 Dorchester, NB C 1 09P
5 30P 127.4 Sackville, NBM 12 49P
5 49P 137.2 Amherst, NS C 12 23P
6 05P 145.4 Maccan, NS C 12 05P
6 35P 154.5 Springhill Junction, NS C 11 50A
6 53P 167.3 Oxford Junction, NS C 11 22A
7 20P 180.2 Westchester, NS C F11 02A
7 32P 184.8 Wentworth, NS C
7 55P 197.0 Londonderry, NS C 10 30A
8 05P 202.8 Debert, NS C 10 20A
8 25PAr 214.1 Truro, NS C R MDp 10 05A
8 45PDp Ar 9 50A
9 09P 231.4 Stewiacke, NS C
9 14P 235.9 Shubenacadie, NS C
9 55P 262.3 Windsor Junction, NS C
10 30P Ar 278.1 Halifax, NS (AST) C R M Dp 8 15A

Train 23-114 (Boston-St. John): 24 stops, 13:15, 34.3 MPHTrain 113-8 (St. John-Boston): 25 stops, 12:25, 36.6 MPH

Train 14-60 (St. John-Halifax): 24 stops, 9:30, 29.3 MPHTrain 59-13 (Halifax-St. John): 21 stops, 9:30, 29.3 MPH

Note: Mileages north of Waterville are via Augusta
Note: All times at Boston & Maine, Maine Central, and Bangor & Aroostook stops are Eastern Daylight Savings Time. All times at Canadian Pacific and Canadian National stops are Atlantic Standard Time.
Note: Operates combined with the Scotian between Moncton and Halifax
Note: No. 8 stops at Biddeford on Sundays only
Note for No. 8 at Gardiner, Pittsfield and Newport Jct.: "Stops to receive passengers Sunday only."

(Boston & Maine Notes)

Air-conditioned equipment is regularly assigned to trains listed below, but the right is reserved to use non-air-conditioned equipment when necessitated by volume of traffic or in emergencies. Trains not listed carry coaches.

No. 8. Gull. (Via Augusta.)

Pullman Sleeping Cars (Car 5904)—Halifax to Boston 10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.

(Car 1130) Saint John to Boston 10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.

(Car 70) Van Buren to Boston 6 Section, 4 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom (Sundays only).

Coaches—Halifax to Saint John.

De luxe Streamline Coaches—Saint John to Boston.

No. 23. Gull. (Via Lewiston.)

Ready in Boston at 9:30 p.m.

Pullman Sleeping Cars (Car 230)—Boston to Bangor 10 Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment. (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). (May be occupied in Bangor until 8:00 a.m.)

(Car 231) Boston to Calais 10 Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment. (Passengers for Bangor in this car must vacate sleeper on or before 6:00 a.m. prior to departure of Maine Central train No. 123 in which this car operates Bangor to Calais.) (Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday.)

(Car 232) Boston to Saint John 10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.

(Car 234) Boston to Halifax 10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.

(Car 235) Boston to Van Buren 6 Section, 4 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom.

Buffet Car—Bangor to Van Buren.

Coach—Boston to Portland.

De luxe Streamline Coaches—Boston to Saint John, all seats reserved and assigned in advance between Boston and stations beyond Portland.

Coaches—Saint John to Halifax.

Station stop of 30 minutes at McAdam for breakfast.

(Maine Central Notes)

Air-Conditioned Coaches are limited and are assigned to principal trains; also to Branch Lines as available.

No. 8—Gull.—Sleeping Cars (Car 5904) Halifax to Boston (10 Section Drawing-room 2 Compartment) (Car 1130) St. John to Boston (10 Section Drawing-room 2 Compartment) (Car 70) Van Buren to Boston on Train 8 Sunday a.m. only (6 Section, 4 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom). De luxe Streamline Coaches St. John to Boston.

No. 23—Gull. Sleeping Cars (Ready for occupancy at Boston 9:30 p.m.) (Car 230) Boston to Bangor, may be occupied at Bangor until 8:00 a.m. (Mon., Wed. and Fri. only) (10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment). (Car 231) Boston to Calais (10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment) (Sun., Tues. and Thurs.) (Car 232) Boston to St. John (10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment). (Car 234) Boston to Halifax (10 Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment). (Car 235) Boston to Van Buren (6 Section, 4 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom) Buffet Car Bangor to Van Buren. De luxe Streamline Coaches Boston to St. John.

(Canadian Pacific Notes)


Coaches on all trains unless otherwise noted.

Nos. 113 and 114—THE GULL

Coaches...Halifax and Saint John. Saint John and Boston.

Diner...Halifax and Moncton.

Sleepers...Halifax and Boston—10-Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.
Saint John and Boston—10-Section, Drawing-room, 2 Compartment.

Regularly assigned cars Air-Conditioned.

(Canadian National Notes)

Coaches are Operated on All Trains, except "The Ocean Limited."
Regularly assigned cars on all trains are Air-Conditioned unless indicated N A C (Non Air-Conditioned).

Nos. 13 and 14—"THE GULL"—Moncton-Saint John.

Sleeping Cars...Halifax and Boston—[Nos. 5904 and 234] 10-Section, 1 Drawing-room, 2 Compartment (in 59 and 60 Halifax-Moncton and "The Gull" St. John-Boston). Except Saturday from Boston. Except Sunday from Halifax.

   St. John and Boston—[Nos. 1130 and 232] 10-Section, 2 Compartment, 1 Drawing-room.

Buffet Parlor Car...St. John and Salisbury [Nos. 130 and 140].

Dining Car...Moncton and Halifax.