In response to Burlington's new Diesel-powered Twin Zephyrs, the Milwaukee introduced its own streamlined flyer between Chicago and the Twin Cities.  Powered by a specially built 4-4-2 Atlantic steam locomotive, the Hiawathas routinely topped 100 mph.  The train included a "Tip Top Tap" lounge car with beverage service and a unique "Beaver Tail" parlor-observation car.

See an advertisement for the new "1939" Hiawatha here (PDF format, 397K).

From the pages of the Official Guide, September 1938

C.M.St.P. & P. herald

The Hiawatha

Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific
July, 1938

101 Train Number 100
Daily Miles Services Daily
1 00P Dp 0.0 Chicago, IL (Union Station) (CT) T C Ar 7 30P
2 15P Ar 85.0 Milwaukee, WI T C Dp 6 15P
2 17P Dp Ar 6 10P
3 41P Ar 177.9 Portage, WI T C Dp 4 46P
3 42P Dp Ar 4 45P
4 18P 221.0 New Lisbon, WI T C 4 10P
5 09P Ar 280.8 La Crosse, WI T C Dp 3 19P
5 14P Dp Ar 3 14P
5 45P 307.5 Winona, MN T C 2 44P
D 6 43P 369.9 Red Wing, MN T C R 1 44P
7 30P 410.0 St. Paul, MN T C 1 00P
8 00P Ar 421.0 Minneapolis, MN T C Dp 12 30P

Train 101: 7 stops, 7:00, 60.1 MPHTrain 100: 7 stops, 7:00, 60.1 MPH

Note: The Hiawatha does not carry checked baggage.


Chicago-Milwaukee-La Crosse-St. Paul-Minneapolis

Beaver Tail Parlor Car. (Radio)—Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis.

Drawing-room Parlor Car.—Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis 

Parlor Car.—Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis 

Dining Car.—Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis—50¢ luncheon, 65¢ dinner; also a la carte service.

Tip Top Tap Car. (Radio.)— Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis. Beverages and light luncheons.

Luxury Lounge Coaches.—Chicago to St. Paul-Minneapolis 

Note: Regularly Assigned Cars are Air-Cooled.


Minneapolis-St. Paul-La Crosse-Milwaukee-Chicago

Beaver Tail Parlor Car. (Radio)—Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago.

Drawing-room Parlor Car.—Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago.

Parlor Car.—Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago.

Dining Car.—Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago.—50¢ luncheon, 65¢ dinner; also a la carte service.

Tip Top Tap Car. (Radio.)—Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago. Beverages and light luncheons.

Luxury Coaches.— Minneapolis-St. Paul to Chicago.

Note: Regularly Assigned Cars are Air-Cooled.

Consist Information
Contributed by Alan L. Pettet
(Note: This is the information for the "1937" Hiawathas, which entered service in late 1936 and were replaced beginning September 1938.)

Ordered February 1936
Delivered September – October 1936
Built by CMSTP&P Milwaukee Shops

3 Streamlined ALCO 4-4-2 Atlantic Locomotive & Tender
151 Express 40 seat “TIP TOP TAP” Lounge Car
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
100 48 seat Dining Car
IAGOO 28 Revenue seat Parlor Car
SHADA 22 Revenue seat Parlor Car with 5 seat Parlor Drawing Room
OMEME 26 Revenue seat Parlor 12 seat Parlor Lounge Beavertail Observation

4 Streamlined ALCO 4-4-2 Atlantic Locomotive & Tender
152 Express 40 seat “TIP TOP TAP” Lounge Car
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
400 series 52 Revenue seat Coach
101 48 seat Dining Car
SAHWA 28 Revenue seat Parlor Car
WAWA 22 Revenue seat Parlor Car with 5 seat Parlor Drawing Room
OPECHEE 26 Revenue seat Parlor 12 seat Parlor Lounge Beavertail Observation