From the pages of the Official Guide, April 1971

Southern Pacific Lines herald

The Coast Daylight

Southern Pacific Lines
October 20, 1970

11 Connecting Train Number 12
4 15P Dp 715 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 12 40P
6 48P 591 Eugene, OR 9 58A
11 13P 397 Klamath Falls, OR 5 20A
9 05A Ar 0 Oakland, CA (PT) Dp 7 40P
Connecting Bus Service
9 15A Dp 0 Oakland, CA (16th St.) (PT) Ar 7 20P
9 40A Ar 6 San Francisco, CA (3rd St.) (PT) Dp 7 00P
98 Train Number 99
Daily Miles Services Daily
10 15A Dp 0 San Francisco, CA (3rd St.) (PT) B Ar 6 15P
10 52A 30 Palo Alto, CA B 5 30P
11 11A Ar 47 San Jose, CA B Dp 5 09P
11 16A Dp Ar 5 05P
12 38A 114 Salinas, CA B 3 52P
3 26P Ar 248 San Luis Obispo, CA B Dp 1 07P
3 34P Dp Ar 1 00P
5 38P Ar 367 Santa Barbara, CA B Dp 10 43A
5 43P Dp Ar 10 39A
6 30P 404 Oxnard, CA B 9 52A
7 35P 464 Glendale, CA B 8 50A
8 05P Ar 470 Los Angeles, CA (Union Station) (PT) B Dp 8 30A

Train 98: 7 stops, 9:50, 47.8 MPHTrain 99: 7 stops, 9:45, 48.2 MPH


Subject to special "Daylight" charge for interstate travel.
(Consult agent for exceptions.)

Chair Cars—San Francisco-Los Angeles. Porter service.

Seat Reservations: See Note A

Meal and Beverage Service—San Francisco-Los Angeles.

Parlor Car—San Francisco-Los Angeles. (Reservations required.)

No. 98 Operates daily, except Mondays and Thursdays.

No. 99 Operates daily, except Tuesdays and Saturdays.

Baggage—Checked baggage service to and from scheduled stops, except San Luis Obispo handled via Los Angeles-PMT subject to delay. Baggage on Train 99 for Palo Alto handled via San Francisco and Train 98 subject to delay. No remains or pets handled.

Note A: Seat reservations are not required, however, for California Intrastate passengers, Chair Car seats may be reserved in advance if desired. The charge for each adult or child of any age occupying a reserved seat is $1.00 between San Francisco and Los Angeles, 50¢ between San Francisco and Dunsmuir; proportionate charges between intermediate points.


We suggest baggage be checked 24 hours in advance of the passenger's departure where service is available.

AUTO RENTAL SERVICE—At most cities served by S.P., an auto rental service will be found available. Some stations have direct-line free phones to a rental agency. At other stations a pay-call will have to be made for auto rental. Ask agents for directions.

Children—Under 12 years of age when accompanied by parent or guardian one-half fare; except one child under 5 will be carried free with each parent or guardian over 17 years of age; 12 years of age and older, full fare.

SPECIAL NOTICE—The schedules and information shown herein are subject to change without notice. Every reasonable effort is made to insure accuracy in these time-tables and to maintain schedules shown. However, no responsibility is assumed for possible errors or for inconvenience or damage resulting from delayed trains or failure to make connections, such matters generally being due to conditions beyond our control.