We're drawing near the end of the Union Pacific 1957 Summer Tours series with this service, which was used by the "PNW" Pacific Northwest tour group between their Portland stop and Tacoma, Washington. There the vacationers would board buses for Mt. Rainier National Park, with a two-night's stay at the Paradise Inn. From there they would move on to Bremerton and the Puget Sound Naval Shipyard (with a topside tour of the USS Missouri and the Japanese surrender plaque) before departing by ferries to Seattle and then, after an overnight stay, Victoria and Vancouver, British Columbia.

Ferries to Vancouver? When there was (and is) a perfectly good railroad line along the way? Yes, but that railroad line was owned and controlled by the Great Northern...and their hospitality ended at Seattle. It would appear that despite their shared passenger service between Portland and Seattle and some other cooperative ventures, there was much bad blood between Union Pacific and the Hill roads Great Northern and Northern Pacific. If you read through the equipment listings from the various roads' timetable entries you will see nary a peep about dome cars or through sleepers between Chicago and Seattle in the Great Northern and Northern Pacific pages which refer to this route...even though those through sleepers operated in Northern Pacific train 408 southbound between Seattle and Portland!

From the pages of the Official Guide, July 1957

Great Northern Railway heraldNorthern Pacific Railway heraldUnion Pacific Railroad herald

Seattle-Portland Pool Service

Great Northern Railway
Northern Pacific Railway
Union Pacific Railroad
June 9, 1957

Through Cars Chicago-Seattle
Connecting Train Number (Milwaukee/Union Pacific) 105
0590 Chicago, IL (Union Station) (CT) Dp 4 45P
4881033 Omaha, NE (CT) Dp 1 10A
13026083 Green River, WY (MT) Dp 1 35P
17812692 Boise, ID (MT) Dp 9 40P
227229 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 7 30A
Through Cars San Francisco-Seattle
Connecting Train Number (Southern Pacific) 12
06 San Francisco, CA (via ferry) (PT) Dp 4 00P
610 Oakland, CA (PT) Dp 4 47P
71829 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 8 15A
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 17
0748 Kansas City, MO (Union Station) (CT) Dp 8 30A
6405188 Denver, CO (MT) Dp 7 00P
10546083 Green River, WY Dp 3 45A
15322692 Boise, ID (MT) Dp 3 35P
201229 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 5 30A
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 19
01895 Spokane, WA (PT) Dp 7 30P
43729 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 5 30A
Train Number GN 401 NP 407 UP 457 GN 459
MilesElevation Daily Daily Daily Daily
029 Portland, OR (PT) Dp 11 45P 5 30P 9 00A 1 30P
7.3 North Portland, OR
8.747 Vancouver, WA 12 11A 5 49P 9 21A 1 49P
23.039 Ridgefield, WA F12 35A
28.432 Woodland, WA F12 49A
37.521 Kalama, WA F 1 05A
42.6 Carrolls, WA
47.729 Kelso-Longview, WA 1 35A 6 29P 10 01A 2 28P
52.659 Castle Rock, WA 1 55A F 2 38P
67.2142 Vader, WA F 2 09A
73.7306 Winlock, WA 2 27A F 6 56P 2 54P
80.0441 Napavine, WA F 2 40A
87.1189 Chehalis, WA 3 00A 7 11P 10 43A 3 12P
90.8188 Centralia, WA Ar 3 10A 7 21P 10 53A 3 23P
Dp 3 25A
98.1255 Bucoda, WA F 3 35A
101.8288 Tenino, WA F 3 50A
109.8219 East Olympia, WA (Olympia via bus) F 4 00A 7 44P 11 16A 3 46P
120.385 Nisqually, WA F 4 16A
129.115 Steilacoom, WA F 4 30A
144.713 Tacoma, WA Ar 5 00A 8 29P 12 01P 4 31P
Dp 5 20A 8 33P 12 05P 4 35P
50 Puyallup, WA 5 40A F 8 45P F 4 46P
154.472 Sumner, WA 5 50A
161.573 Auburn, WA 6 05A
166.543 Kent, WA 6 15A
183.415 Seattle, WA (Union Depot) (PT) Ar 1 00P
183.415 Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Ar 6 45A 9 30P 5 30P
Connecting Train Number (Great Northern) 358 360 362
0 Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Dp 8 05A 2 00P 6 25P
154 Vancouver, BC (Great Northern Sta.) (PT) Ar 11 59A 5 40P 10 20P

Connecting Train Number (Great Northern) 361 357 359
C R Vancouver, BC (Great Northern Sta.) (PT) Dp 6 30P 8 00A 12 50P
C R Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Ar 10 25P 12 10P 4 35P
Train Number GN 402 NP 408 UP 458 GN 460
Services Daily Daily Daily Daily
C R Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Dp 11 45P 12 30P 8 20A
C R Seattle, WA (Union Depot) (PT) Dp 5 00P
C Kent, WA 12 08A RF 5 23P DF 8 41A
C Auburn, WA 12 17A RF 5 29P DF 8 47A
C Sumner, WA F12 28A RF 5 40P DF 8 55A
Puyallup, WA 12 35A DF 8 59A
C R Tacoma, WA Ar 12 55A 1 22P 5 57P 9 12A
Dp 1 15A 1 26P 6 02P 9 16A
C Steilacoom, WA F 1 40A
Nisqually, WA F 1 53A
East Olympia, WA (Olympia via bus) F 2 08A 2 08P 6 47P F 9 58A
C Tenino, WA 2 29A
Bucoda, WA F 2 35A
C Centralia, WA Ar 2 45A 2 32P 7 06P 10 22A
Dp 3 00A 7 11P
C Chehalis, WA 3 25A 2 39P 7 18P F10 29A
Napavine, WA F 3 37A
C Winlock, WA 3 50A F 7 34P 10 45A
Vader, WA F 4 03A
Castle Rock, WA 4 20A F11 02A
C Kelso-Longview, WA 5 00A 3 24P 8 04P 11 14A
Carrolls, WA F
Kalama, WA F 5 18A F11 25A
Woodland, WA F 5 35A
C Ridgefield, WA F 5 48A
C R Vancouver, WA 6 15A 4 08P 8 48P 11 58A
North Portland, OR F12 03P
C R Portland, OR (PT) Ar 6 45A 4 30P 9 15P 12 20P
Through Cars Seattle-Chicago
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific/Milwaukee) 106
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 5 00P
C Boise, ID (MT) Ar 4 30A
C Green River, WY (MT) Ar 1 00P
C Omaha, NE (CT) Ar 3 05A
C Chicago, IL (Union Station) (CT) Ar 11 30A
Through Cars Seattle-San Francisco
Connecting Train Number (Southern Pacific) 11
C R Portland, OR (PT) Dp 4 45P
C R Oakland, CA (PT) Ar 8 26A
C R San Francisco, CA (via ferry) (PT) Ar 9 10A
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 18
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 9 30P
C Boise, ID (MT) Ar 12 10P
C Green River, WY Ar 12 05A
C Denver, CO (MT) Ar 8 45A
C Kansas City, MO (Union Station) (CT) Ar 10 30P
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 20
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 9 30P
C Spokane, WA (PT) Ar 6 30A

Train 401 (Portland-Seattle): 21 stops; 7:00; 26.2 MPHTrain 402 (Seattle-Portland): 21 stops; 7:00; 26.2 MPH

Train 407 (Portland-Seattle): 8 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPHTrain 408 (Seattle-Portland): 6 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPH

Train 457 (Portland-Seattle): 6 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPHTrain 458 (Seattle-Portland): 10 stops; 4:15; 43.2 MPH

Train 459 (Portland-Seattle): 9 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPHTrain 460 (Seattle-Portland): 14 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPH

(Great Northern Notes)


Type of Car.Car No.

TRAINS 401 and 402.
Reclining Seat Coaches.        Seattle-Portland.
Sections, Bedrooms, Roomettes.

TRAINS 407 and 408.
Reclining Seat Coaches.        Seattle-Portland.
Diner.        Seattle-Portland.
Sleepers.    113-4-5Seattle-San Francisco. (No. 408)
Roomettes, Bedrooms, Compartments and Drawing-rooms (connecting with So. Pac. Train 11 at Portland).
(NP car.)
14 seats.

TRAINS 457 and 458.
Reclining Seat Coaches.        Seattle-Portland.
Diner.        Seattle-Portland.
Sleepers.123-4-5    San Francisco-Seattle. (No. 457)
Roomettes, Bedrooms, Compartments and Drawing-rooms (connecting with So. Pac. Train 12 at Portland).
(Un. Pac. Car.)
28 seats.

TRAINS 459 and 460.
Reclining Seat Coaches.        Seattle-Portland.
Parlor Car.
(Grt. Nor. car.)
26 seats.

May be
occupied at
Must be
vacated at
     May be
occupied at
Must be
vacated at
Chicago9:30 p.m.8:00 a.m.Portland9:30 p.m.7:30 a.m.
Duluth9:00 p.m.8:00 a.m.Seattle9:30 p.m.7:30 a.m.
Minneapolis9:00 p.m.8:00 a.m.Spokane9:30 p.m.8:00 a.m.

(Northern Pacific Notes)

"Main Street of the Northwest"



Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars—

Seattle and Portland—Sections, Bedrooms, Roomettes. (Cars 4013 and 4014 northbound, Cars 4023 and 4024 southbound.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle-Tacoma and Portland.


Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars...Seattle to San Francisco—Roomettes, Double Bedrooms, Drawing-rooms and Compartments (3 cars). Cars Nos. 113, 114 and 115. (From Portland, via S. P. Train No. 11.)

Holiday-Lounge Car (Railway Owned) (4080 southbound and 4070 northbound) and Dining Car...Seattle and Portland.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle and Portland.

Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars...San Francisco to Seattle—Roomettes, Double Bedrooms, Drawing-rooms and Compartments (3 cars). Cars Nos. 123, 124 and 125 (to Portland, via S. P. Train No. 12.)
Parlor Car (Railway Owned), Dining Car and Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland and Seattle.

Parlor Lounge Car (Railway Owned), and Reclining Seat Coaches—Portland and Seattle. Sandwiches and refreshments by train sales service.

All regularly assigned cars are Air-Conditioned.

(Union Pacific Notes)


Westbound Eastbound
No. 401—Daily.

Streamlined Sleeping Cars...Portland to Seattle—Sections, Roomettes, Bedrooms.

Sleepers open at Portland 9:30 p.m.; parked at destination until 8:00 a.m.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

No. 402—Daily.

Streamlined Sleeping Cars...Seattle to Portland—Sections, Roomettes, Bedrooms.

Sleepers open at Seattle at 9:30 p.m.; parked at Portland until 7:30 a.m.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

No. 407—Daily.

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle. (R.R. owned.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

No. 408—Daily.

Streamlined Sleeping Cars...Seattle to Chicago—6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms, 6-Sections (No. 106 from Portland).

Seattle to San Francisco—6 Double Bedrooms. 10 Roomettes. (Cars 113-114.) (S. P. 11 south of Portland.)

Seattle to San Francisco—4 Compartments, 4 Double Bedrooms, 2 Drawing-rooms. (Car 115.) (S. P. No. 11 south of Portland.)

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland. (R. R. owned.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

No. 457—Daily—Domeliner.

Astra Dome Observation Lounge...Portland to Seattle. (For parlor and sleeping car passengers only.)

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle. (R.R. owned).

Astra Dome Room Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle (R. R. owned)—8 Duplex Roomette, 3 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms.

Streamlined Sleeping Cars...Chicago to Seattle—6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms, 6-Sections (No. 105 to Portland).

San Francisco to Seattle—6 Double Bedrooms, 10 Roomettes. (Cars 123-124.) (S. P. 12 south of Portland.)

San Francisco to Seattle—4 Compartments, 4 Double Bedrooms, 2 Drawing-rooms. (Car 125.) (S. P. No. 12 south of Portland.)

Dome Coach...Portland to Seattle (all seats reserved). (Special coach tickets not honored.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle (not reserved).

Astra Dome Dining Car...Portland to Seattle.

No. 458—Daily—Domeliner.

Astra Dome Observation Lounge...Seattle to Portland. (For parlor and sleeping car passengers only.)

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland. (R.R. owned).

Astra Dome Room Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland (R. R. owned)—8 Duplex Roomette, 3 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms.

Dome Coach...Seattle to Portland (all seats reserved). (Special coach tickets not honored.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland (not reserved).

Astra Dome Dining Car...Seattle to Portland.

No. 459—Daily.

Parlor Car (R.R. owned)...Portland to Seattle.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

No. 460—Daily.

Parlor Car (R.R. owned)...Seattle to Portland.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Comparing this timetable against that of five years previous, I see that local trains 403 and 404 have been axed, with their service and stops handed off to overnight trains 401 and 402. Those overnight trains have lost two of their four sleepers, including the only Portland-Tacoma set-out sleeper. Trains 459 and 460 have lost their dining car to "sandwiches and refreshments by train sales service", according to the NP entry. One of the San Francisco-Seattle sleepers is also gone, as is the only through Seattle-St. Louis sleeper. Even more draconian cuts were soon to come with the dawn of a new decade.