In most cases where trackage rights were involved the landlord railroad retained near-exclusive rights to local traffic...i.e., the tenant railroad was not allowed to offer competing passenger service, only service to and from destinations on its own network. However, in this case landlord Great Northern, friendly competitor Northern Pacific, and not-so-friendly competitor Union Pacific elected to "pool" their passenger services along their shared line from Portland to Seattle.

From the pages of the Official Guide, August 1952

Great Northern Railway heraldNorthern Pacific Railway heraldUnion Pacific Railroad herald

Seattle-Portland Pool Service

Great Northern Railway
Northern Pacific Railway
Union Pacific Railroad
June 22, 1952

Through Cars Chicago-Seattle
Connecting Train Number (C. & N. W./Union Pacific) 105
0 Chicago, IL (North Western Sta.) (CT) Dp 5 30P
488 Omaha, NE (CT) Dp 1 40A
1302 Green River, WY (MT) Dp 1 35P
1781 Boise, ID (MT) Dp 9 40P
2272 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 7 30A
Through Cars St. Louis-Seattle
Connecting Train Number (Wabash/Union Pacific) 17 9-11
0 St. Louis, MO (Union Station) (CT) Dp 4 00P
278 Kansas City, MO (Union Station) (CT) Dp 9 30P
918 Denver, CO (MT) Dp 5 40P 8 10P
1332 Green River, WY Dp 3 25A 4 30P
1810 Boise, ID (MT) Dp 3 45P 3 59A
2290 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 6 00A 4 00P
Through Cars San Francisco-Seattle
Connecting Train Number (Southern Pacific) 12
0 San Francisco, CA (via ferry) (PT) Dp 5 00P
6 Oakland, CA (PT) Dp 5 36P
718 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 9 30A
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 19
0 Spokane, WA (PT) Dp 9 00P
437 Portland, OR (PT) Ar 6 30A
Train Number GN401 403 NP407 UP457 GN459
Miles Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily
0.0 Portland, OR (PT) Dp 11 45P 8 30A 10 00A 8 00A 5 00P
7.3 North Portland, OR
8.7 Vancouver, WA 12 11A 8 55A 10 21A 8 21A 5 25P
23.0 Ridgefield, WA F12 35A 9 11A
28.4 Woodland, WA F12 49A 9 19A
37.5 Kalama, WA F 1 05A 9 31A
47.7 Kelso-Longview, WA 1 35A 9 48A 11 01A 9 01A 6 05P
52.6 Castle Rock, WA 1 55A 10 02A
67.2 Vader, WA F 2 09A 10 14A
73.7 Winlock, WA 2 27A 10 25A F 6 32P
80.0 Napavine, WA F 2 40A 10 34A
87.1 Chehalis, WA 3 00A 10 47A F11 43A F 9 43A 6 47P
90.8 Centralia, WA Ar 3 10A 10 54A 11 53A 9 53A 6 57P
Dp 3 25A 10 59A
98.1 Bucoda, WA F 3 35A F11 10A
101.8 Tenino, WA 3 50A 11 16A
109.8 East Olympia, WA (Olympia via bus) 11 30A F12 16P F10 16A F 7 20P
120.3 Nisqually, WA F 4 16A F11 43A F 7 33P
129.1 Steilacoom, WA 4 30A 11 55A
144.7 Tacoma, WA Ar 5 00A 12 20P 1 01P 11 01A 8 05P
Dp 5 20A 12 30P 1 05P 11 05A 8 15P
Puyallup, WA 5 40A F 8 27P
152.6 North Puyallup, WA 12 47P
154.4 Sumner, WA 5 50A 12 51P F 8 31P
161.5 Auburn, WA 6 05A 1 04P F 8 42P
166.5 Kent, WA 6 15A 1 13P F 8 50P
183.4 Seattle, WA (Union Depot) (PT) Ar 1 45P 11 59A
183.4 Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Ar 6 45A 2 00P 9 15P
Connecting Train Number (Great Northern) 356 362
0 Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Dp 7 45A 6 00P
154 Vancouver, BC (Great Northern Sta.) (PT) Ar 11 40A 9 55P

Connecting Train Number (Great Northern) 361 355
C R Vancouver, BC (Great Northern Sta.) (PT) Dp 6 15P 8 10A
C R Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Ar 10 10P 12 05P
Train Number GN402 404 NP408 UP458 GN460
Services Daily Daily Daily Daily Daily
C R Seattle, WA (King St. Station) (PT) Dp 11 45P 12 30P 8 20A
C R Seattle, WA (Union Depot) (PT) Dp 8 30A 4 45P
C Kent, WA F12 08A F 8 45A F 5 08P
C Auburn, WA 12 17A 9 04A F 5 14P
C Sumner, WA F12 28A 9 15A F 5 25P
C North Puyallup, WA 9 18A F 5 29P
Puyallup, WA 12 35A
C Tacoma, WA Ar 12 55A 9 35A 1 22P 5 42P 9 12A
Dp 1 15A 9 45A 1 26P 5 52P 9 16A
C Steilacoom, WA 10 10A
Nisqually, WA F 1 53A F10 21A
East Olympia, WA (Olympia via bus) F 2 08A 10 34A 2 08P 6 37P F 9 58A
C Tenino, WA 2 29A 10 44A
Bucoda, WA F 2 35A 10 50A
C Centralia, WA Ar 2 45A 11 00A 2 32P 7 00P 10 22A
Dp 3 00A 11 05A 7 05P
C Chehalis, WA 3 25A 11 17A F 2 39P 7 14P F10 29A
Napavine, WA F 3 37A 11 28A
C Winlock, WA 3 50A 11 40A 7 30P
Vader, WA 4 03A 11 50A
Castle Rock, WA 4 20A 12 05P
C Kelso-Longview, WA 5 00A 12 23P 3 24P 8 02P 11 14A
Kalama, WA 5 18A 12 37P
Woodland, WA 5 35A 12 49P
Ridgefield, WA 5 48A 12 57P
C R Vancouver, WA 6 15A 1 15P 4 08P 8 45P 11 58A
North Portland, OR 1 24P F12 03P
C R Portland, OR (PT) Ar 6 45A 1 45P 4 30P 9 15P 12 20P
Through Cars Seattle-Chicago
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific/C. & N. W.) 106
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 5 30P
C Boise, ID (MT) Ar 5 00A
C Green River, WY (MT) Ar 1 15P
C Omaha, NE (CT) Ar 3 00A
C Chicago, IL (North Western Sta.) (CT) Ar 11 20A
Through Cars Seattle-St. Louis
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific/Wabash) 12-10 18
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 8 10A 9 45P
C Boise, ID (MT) Ar 10 05P 12 05P
C Green River, WY Ar 9 50A 11 05P
C Denver, CO (MT) Ar 6 15P 8 10A
C Kansas City, MO (Union Station) (CT) Ar 6 45A
C St. Louis, MO (Union Station) (CT) Ar 11 59A
Through Cars Seattle-San Francisco
Connecting Train Number (Southern Pacific) 11
C R Portland, OR (PT) Dp 4 45P
C R Oakland, CA (PT) Ar 8 30A
C R San Francisco, CA (via ferry) (PT) Ar 9 15A
Connecting Train Number (Union Pacific) 20
C Portland, OR (PT) Dp 10 00P
C Spokane, WA (PT) Ar 7 20A

Train 401 (Portland-Seattle): 20 stops; 7:00; 26.2 MPHTrain 402 (Seattle-Portland): 20 stops; 7:00; 26.2 MPH

Train 403 (Portland-Seattle): 21 stops; 5:15: 34.9 MPHTrain 404 (Seattle-Portland): 22 stops; 5:15; 34.9 MPH

Train 407 (Portland-Seattle): 6 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPHTrain 408 (Seattle-Portland): 6 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPH

Train 457 (Portland-Seattle): 6 stops; 3:59; 46.0 MPHTrain 458 (Seattle-Portland): 11 stops; 4:30; 40.8 MPH

Train 459 (Portland-Seattle): 12 stops; 4:15; 43.2 MPHTrain 460 (Seattle-Portland): 7 stops; 4:00; 45.9 MPH

(Great Northern Notes)


Train No. 401. Air-Conditioned.

Pullman Sleeping Cars...Portland to Seattle—10-Sections, 1 Compartment, 1 Drawing-room. [4012-13.] 12-Section, 1 Drawing-room [4014.]

Portland to Tacoma—10-Section, 1 Compartment, 1 Drawing-room. [4011.]

Coaches...Portland to Tacoma-Seattle.

Train No. 403.
Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Train No. 407. Air-Conditioned.

Pullman Sleeping Car...San Francisco to Seattle—(4 Cars) Roomettes, Double Bedrooms, Drawing-room and Compartments, [122-3-4-5]. (S. P. 12.)

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle (N. P. Car) [75].

Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Restaurant Car...Portland to Seattle.

No. 457. Air-Conditioned.

Parlor Cars (U. P. Cars), Dining Car and Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Train No. 459. Air-Conditioned.

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle (G. N. Car 4590).

Dining Car and Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Train No. 402. Air-Conditioned.

Pullman Sleeping Cars...Seattle to Portland—10-Sections, 1 Compartment, 1 Drawing-room [4022-23.] 12-Section, 1 Drawing-room [4024.]

Tacoma to Portland—10-Section, 1 Compartment, 1 Drawing-room [4021.]

Coaches...Seattle-Tacoma to Portland.

Train No. 404.
Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Train No. 408. Air-Conditioned.

Pullman Sleeping Cars...Seattle to San Francisco—(4 Cars) Roomettes, Double Bedrooms, Compartment and Drawing-room [112,3,4,5]. (S. P. 11.)

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland (N. P. Car) [75].

Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Restaurant Car...Seattle to Portland.

Train No. 458. Air-Conditioned.

Parlor Cars...Seattle to Portland (U. P. Cars).

Dining Car and Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Train No. 460. Air-Conditioned.

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland (G. N. Car 4600).

Dining Car and Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

(Northern Pacific Notes)

"Main Street of the Northwest"



Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars—

Seattle and Portland—10-Section, 1-Compartment, 1-Drawing-room. (Cars 4013 and 4012 northbound. Cars 4022 and 4024 southbound.)

Seattle and Portland—12-Section, 1-Drawing-room. (Car 4023 southbound. Car 4014 northbound.)

Tacoma and Portland—10-Section, 1 Drawing-room, 1 Compartment. (Car 4021 southbound. Car 4011 northbound.)

Coaches...Seattle-Tacoma and Portland.

Nos. 403 and 404—PORTLAND-TACOMA-SEATTLE. Daily.
Coaches...Portland-Tacoma and Seattle.


Pullman Standard Sleeping Cars...Seattle and San Francisco—22 Roomettes, 10 Roomettes, 6 Double Bedrooms (2 Cars). 4 Compartments, 4 Bedrooms, 2 Drawing-rooms. Southbound cars Nos. 112, 113, 114 and 115. Northbound cars Nos. 122, 123, 124 and 125 (from and to Portland, via S. P. Trains 11 and 12).

Parlor Lounge Car (N. P. Car) (Railway Owned), (75)

Coaches and Restaurant Car...Seattle and Portland.

Dining Car...Seattle and Portland.

Parlor Car, Dining Car and Coaches (Railway Owned)...Portland and Seattle.

Parlor Lounge Car (Railway Owned), Dining Car and Coaches—Portland and Seattle.

(Union Pacific Notes)



Westbound Eastbound
★No. 401—Daily.

Standard Sleeping Cars...Portland to Seattle—10-Sections, Drawing-room, Compartment. (2 Cars.)

Portland to Seattle—12-Sections, Drawing-room.

Portland to Tacoma—10-Sections, Drawing-room, Compartment.

Sleepers open at Portland 9:30 p.m.; parked at destination until 8:00 a.m.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle

★No. 407—Daily.

Standard Sleeping Car...San Francisco to Seattle—22 Roomettes. (Car 122.) (S. P. No. 12 south of Portland.)

San Francisco to Seattle—6 Double Bedrooms, 10 Roomettes. (Cars 123-124.) (S. P. 12 south of Portland.)

San Francisco to Seattle—4 Compartments, 4 Double Bedrooms, 2 Drawing-rooms. (Car 125.) (S. P. No 12 south of Portland.)

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle. (R.R. owned.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

★No. 457—Daily—Streamliner.

Astra Dome Observation-Lounge...Portland to Seattle. (For parlor and sleeping car passengers only.)

Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle. (R.R. owned).

Astra Dome Room Parlor Car...Portland to Seattle (R.R. owned)—8 Duplex Roomettes, 3 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms.

Standard Sleeping Car...Chicago to Seattle—12 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms (No. 105 to Portland).

Astra Dome Coach...Portland to Seattle (all seats reserved).

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle (not reserved).

Astra Dome Dining Car...Portland to Seattle.

★No. 459—Daily.

Parlor Car (R.R. owned)...Portland to Seattle.

Standard Sleeping Car...St. Louis to Seattle—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. Nos. 9-11 to Portland.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Portland to Seattle.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

★No. 402—Daily.

Standard Sleeping Cars...Seattle to Portland—10-Sections, 1 Drawing-room, 1 Compartment. (2 Cars.)

Seattle to Portland—12-Sections, Drawing-room.

Seattle to St. Louis—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. Nos. 12-10 thru from Portland.

Tacoma to Portland—10-Sections, Drawing-room, Compartment.

Sleepers open at Seattle at 9:30 p.m.; at Portland until 7:30 a.m.

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland

★No. 408—Daily.

Standard Sleeping Cars...Seattle to Chicago—12 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms (No. 105 [sic] east of Portland).

Seattle to San Francisco—22 Roomettes. (Car 112.) (S. P. No. 11 south of Portland.)

Seattle to San Francisco—6 Double Bedrooms, 10 Roomettes. (Cars 113-114.) (S. P. 11 south of Portland.)

Seattle to San Francisco—4 Compartments, 4 Double Bedrooms, 2 Drawing-rooms. (Car 115.) (S. P. No 11 south of Portland.)

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland. (R.R. owned.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

★No. 458—Daily—Streamliner.

Astra Dome Observation-Lounge...Seattle to Portland. (For parlor and sleeping car passengers only.)

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland. (R.R. owned).

Astra Dome Room Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland (R.R. owned)—8 Duplex Roomettes, 3 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms.

Astra Dome Coach...Seattle to Portland (all seats reserved).

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland (not reserved).

Astra Dome Dining Car...Seattle to Portland.

★No. 460—Daily.

Parlor Car...Seattle to Portland. (R.R. owned.)

Reclining Seat Coaches...Seattle to Portland.

Dining Car...Serving necessary meals en route.

★ Regularly Assigned Through Cars Air-Conditioned.