As late as May of 1957 the Montrealer and Washingtonian still operated as through trains all the way from Washington to Montreal, but by the time of the November 1958 timetable the budget-cutter's axe had fallen splitting the train's run at New York. A single sleeper still made the full trip, but coach passengers for/from Washington had to transfer from the Afternoon Congressional northbound and to The Executive southbound at Penn Station in New York.

From the pages of the Official Guide, September 1960

Pennsylvania RR Keystone heraldNew Haven RR heraldBoston & Maine RR herald
Central Vermont Ry. heraldCanadian National Rys. herald

The Montrealer
The Washingtonian

Pennsylvania Railroad
New Haven Railroad
Boston & Maine Railroad
Central Vermont Railway
Canadian National Railways
August 8, 1960

Through Sleeper Washington-Montreal
152Connecting Train Number (Pennsylvania) 115
4 00P Dp 0.0 Washington, DC (ET) C R X Ar 1 15P
4 40P 40.1 Baltimore, MD C R X 12 35P
5 39P 108.5 Wilmington, DE C R X 11 33A
6 06P Philadelphia, PA (30th St. Sta.) C R X 11 05A
6 14P 140.7 North Philadelphia, PA C R X 10 56A
168.5 Trenton, NJ C R X 10 29A
7 20P 216.6 Newark, NJ C R X 9 45A
7 35P Ar 226.6 New York, NY (Penn Sta.) (ET) C R XDp 9 30A
168 Train Number 169
Daily Miles (New Haven) Services Daily
8 35P Dp0.0New York, NY  (Penn Sta.) (ET) C RAr 8 00A
9 23P 36.0 Stamford, CT C R
9 51P 58.5Bridgeport, CT C R 6 51A
10 10P Ar75.0 New Haven, CT C RDp 6 30A
10 25P Dp Ar 6 22A
10 54P 93.5 Meriden, CT C 5 58A
11 07P 101.0 Berlin, CT C
11 20P Ar111.5 Hartford, CT C RDp 5 35A
11 35P Dp Ar 5 31A
12 15A Ar137.0 Springfield, MA C RDp 5 00A
21 Continuing Train Number (Boston & Maine) 20
12 40A Dp137.0 Springfield, MA C RAr 4 20A
1 29A 173.1 Greenfield, MA C 3 20A
2 12A 197.3 Brattleboro, VT C
2 42A 221.0 Bellows Falls, VT C 2 12A
3 45A Ar260.2 White River Junction, VT C RDp 1 20A
(Central Vermont)
4 00A Dp260.2 White River Junction, VT C R MAr 1 05A
5 09A 313.2 Northfield, VT
5 20A Ar321.8 Montpelier Junction, VT CDp 11 47P
5 25A Dp Ar 11 44P
5 38A 331.4 Waterbury, VT (Stowe) 11 32P
6 04A Ar353.6 Essex Junction, VT CDp 11 04P
6 10A Dp Ar 11 01P
6 42A Ar377.4 St. Albans, VT (EDT) C MDp 10 31P
6 51A Dp Ar 10 28P
(Canadian National)
6 44A Dp402.8 Cantic, QC (EST) C Dp 8 44P
Ar 8 43P
7 08A 419.5 St. Johns, QC C 8 20P
D 7 34A 438.7 St. Lambert, QC C 7 54P
7 55A Ar442.7 Montreal, QC (Central Sta.) (EST) C R M Dp 7 40P
47 Connecting Train Number (Canadian National) 50
8 10A Dp 0.0 Montreal, QC (Central Sta.) (EST) C R M Ar 7 00P
10 35A Ar 117.7 Ottawa, ON (EST) C R M Dp 4 25P

Train 168-21 (New York-Montreal): 19 stops, 12:20, 35.9 MPHTrain 20-169 (Montreal-New York): 15 stops, 11:20, 39.1 MPH

Note: Washington sleeper operates in Train 115 (The Executive) southbound from New York to Washington and in Train 152 (The Afternoon Congressional) northbound from Washington to New York. No through coach service; coach passengers must transfer between trains in New York.

(Pennsylvania RR Notes)


No. 152-168—The Montrealer.

Lounge Car...New York to Montreal—6 Double Bedrooms—(Buffet).

Sleeping Cars...Washington to Montreal—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms.

New York to Montreal—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. (Two Cars.)

New York to White River Junction—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. (Except Saturdays and May 29, July 3 and September 4.) (May be occupied until 8:00 a.m.)

Parlor Cars...Washington to New York.

Montreal to Quebec.

Montreal to Ottawa.

Parlor Observation Car...Washington to New York (Bar Lounge). (Except Saturdays, July 2 to September 3, inclusive.)

Dining Cars...Washington to New York (Bar Lounge).

Montreal to Ottawa.

Coaches...Washington to New York. (Reclining Seats.)

New York to Montreal. (Reclining Seats.)

No. 169-115—The Washingtonian.

Lounge Car...Montreal to New York—6 Double Bedrooms—(Buffet).

Sleeping Cars...Montreal to Washington—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms.

Montreal to New York—6-Section, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. (Two Cars.)

White River Junction to New York—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. (Except Saturday nights and nights of May 29, July 3 and September 4.) (Open 10:30 p.m.)

Parlor Cars...New York to Washington—(Bar Lounge).

Ottawa to Montreal.

Dining Cars...New York to Washington

Ottawa to Montreal.

Coaches...Montreal to New York. (Reclining Seats.)

New York to Washington. (Reclining Seats.)

(New Haven RR Notes)

Air-conditioned equipment is assigned as far as possible, but the right is reserved to employ non air-conditioned cars in emergencies or when the volume of traffic makes it necessary.

No. 168—The Montrealer.

Sleeping Cars...Washington to Montreal (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes). (From P. R.R. 152 at New York.)

New York (Pennsylvania Station) to Montreal (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes, Buffet-Lounge).

New York (Pennsylvania Station) to White River Junction (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes). (Except Saturday nights and night of September 4.)

Coaches...New York (Pennsylvania Station) to Montreal.

No. 169—The Washingtonian.

Sleeping Cars...Montreal to Washington (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes). (To P. R.R. 115 at New York.)

Montreal to New York (Pennsylvania Station) (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes, Buffet-Lounge.)

White River Junction to New York (Pennsylvania Station) (Berths, Bedrooms, Roomettes). (Except Saturday nights and night of September 4.)

Coaches...Montreal to New York (Pennsylvania Station).

(Boston & Maine Notes)



Sleeping Cars—

New York (Pennsylvania Station)-Montreal (Central Station) via NYNH & H-B & M-CV-CN. Rys. Daily.

Washington-Montreal (Central Station) via Penn-NYNH & H-B & M-CV-CN. Rys. Daily.

New York (Pennsylvania Station)-White River Junction, except Saturday nights from New York or White River Junction.

Occupancy at White River Junction 10:30 p.m. southbound, and 8:00 a.m. northbound.

Lounge car Service—New York-Montreal. Daily.

Coaches—New York-Montreal (Central Station).

(Central Vermont Notes)


Montreal-New York-Washington. Air-Conditioned.

Sleeping Cars...Montreal and Washington—6-Section, 4 Double Bedrooms, 6 Roomettes. (Nos. 2008 and 1687.)

Montreal and New York—6-Section, 4 Double Bedrooms, 6 Roomettes. (Nos. 2006 and 1685.)

Montreal and New York—6-Section, 4 Double Bedrooms, 6 Roomettes. (Nos. 2005 and 1686.)

White River Junction and New York—6-Sections, 6 Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms. (Daily, except Saturday and September 4.) (Open 10:30 p.m.; may be occupied until 8:00 a.m., Eastern "Daylight Saving" time.)

Buffet Lounge Car...Montreal and New York—6-Double Bedrooms. (Nos. 2007 and 1684.)

Dining Car...New York and Washington.

Parlor Car...New York and Washington.

Coaches...Montreal and New York. (Deluxe Reclining Seats.)

New York and Washington. (Deluxe Reclining Seats.)

(Canadian National Notes)

Coaches on all trains unless otherwise noted.
Regularly assigned cars are Air-Conditioned.

Montreal-New York-Washington.

Coaches...Montreal-New York. New York-Washington.

Diner...New York-Washington.

Buffet Service (in Lounge Car)...Montreal-New York.

Parlor Car (Bar Lounge)...New York-Washington.


Cars 2008 and 1687, 6-Section, 6 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom...Montreal-Washington.

Cars 2007 and 1684, 6 Double Bedroom, Buffet Lounge...Montreal-New York.

Cars 2006 and 1685, 6-Section, 6 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom...Montreal-New York.

Cars 2005 and 1686, 6-Section, 6 Roomette, 4 Double Bedroom...Montreal-New York.