The Pennsylvania's Broadway Limited and the New York Central's 20th Century Limited were such fierce rivals that, essentially, whatever the one did the other matched. Nowhere is this better illustrated than by the 1938 streamlining of both trains timed to debut on the same day, June 6, 1938. Below is one of the early timetables for the newly streamlined Broadway.

From the pages of the Official Guide, September 1938

Pennsylvania RR Keystone herald

The Broadway Limited

Pennsylvania Railroad
July 31, 1938

29 Train Number 28
Daily Miles Services Daily
5 00P Dp 0.0 New York, NY (Penna. Sta.) (ET) T C Ar 8 30A
5 14P 10.0 Newark, NJ T C 8 15A
6 20P 85.9 North Philadelphia, PA T C D 7 09A
F 6 44P 111.4 Paoli, PA T C F 6 44A
8 04P 194.6 Harrisburg, PA T C 5 20A
10 29P 325.4 Altoona, PA T C 2 56A
12 58A 439.3 Pittsburgh, PA T C 12 26A
D 4 31A 628.1 Crestline, OH (ET) T C 8 54P
D 5 36A
759.7 Fort Wayne, IN (CT) T C Dp 5 49P
Ar 5 45P
D 7 43A 900.7 Chicago, IL (Englewood Sta.) T C 3 43P
8 00A Ar 907.7 Chicago, IL (Union Sta.) (CT) T C Dp 3 30P

Train 29 (New York-Chicago): 9 stops, 16:00, 56.7 MPHTrain 28 (Chicago-New York): 9 stops, 16:00, 56.7 MPH


Special Service Charge.

Lounge Car...New York to Chicago—(2 Double Bedrooms, Buffet).

Sleeping Cars...New York to Chicago—(Roomette, 2 Cars).

New York to Chicago—(4 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms, 4 Double Bedrooms).

New York to Chicago—(Double Bedrooms).

Observation Car...New York to Chicago—(2 Master Rooms, Double Bedrooms, Buffet Lounge).

Dining Car...New York to Chicago.

No Coaches.


Special Service Charge.

Lounge Car...Chicago to New York—(2 Double Bedrooms, Buffet).

Sleeping Cars...Chicago to New York—(Roomette).

Chicago to New York—(4 Compartments, 2 Drawing-rooms, 4 Double Bedrooms).

Chicago to New York—(Double Bedrooms).

Observation Car...Chicago to New York—(2 Master Rooms, Double Bedrooms, Buffet Lounge).

Dining Car...Chicago to New York.

No Coaches.

Regularly assigned Through Cars Air-Conditioned.