From the pages of the Official Guide, September 1938

Erie RR heraldPennsylvania Railroad Keystone herald

The Federal Express

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
Pennsylvania Railroad
August 7, 1938

173 Train Number 172
Daily Miles (New York, New Haven & Hartford) Services Daily
8 00P Dp 0.0 Boston, MA (South Station) (ET) T C Ar 6 45A
8 05P Boston, MA (Back Bay Station) C 6 40A
9 00P Ar 43.8 Providence, RI T C Dp 5 40A
9 10P Dp Ar 5 30A
9 42P 70.8 Kingston, RI C 4 53A
10 03P 87.6 Westerly, RI C 4 29A
10 31P Ar 106.0 New London, CT C Dp 4 00A
10 39P Dp Ar 3 50A
11 45P Ar 156.8 New Haven, CT C Dp 2 50A
Through Sleeper Washington-Springfield (except Saturdays)
97 Connecting Train Number (NYNH&H) (See Note for Sundays) 412
7 30P Dp 0.0 Springfield, MA C Ar 7 50A
8 25P 25.4 Hartford, CT C 7 00A
9 27P Ar 62.0 New Haven, CT C Dp 5 50A
12 00A Dp 156.8 New Haven, CT C Ar 2 35A
12 24A Ar 173.5 Bridgeport, CT C Dp 2 14A
12 34A Dp Ar 2 05A
2 00A Ar 232.0 New York, NY (Penn Station) C Dp 12 45A
Through Sleeper Providence-Philadelphia
(See notes for days of operation)
179 Connecting Train Number (Pennsylvania)
4 30A Dp 0.0 New York, NY (Penn Station) C
6 40A Ar 91.4 Philadelphia, PA (Broad St. Sta.) C
(Pennsylvania Railroad)
2 35A Dp 232.0 New York, NY (Penn Station) C Ar 12 25A
2 50A 242.0 Newark, NJ C 12 09A
247.5 Elizabeth, NJ C 11 59P
F 3 03A 252.8 Rahway, NJ C
3 49A 290.1 Trenton, NJ C 11 20P
4 19A 317.9 North Philadelphia, PA C 10 53P
4 28A Ar Philadelphia, PA (30th St. Station) C Dp 10 43P
4 35A Dp Ar 10 38P
4 53A 336.7 Chester, PA C 10 20P
5 18A 350.1 Wilmington, DE C 10 04P
6 35A Ar 418.5 Baltimore, MD C Dp 8 54P
6 54A Dp Ar 8 43P
7 45A Ar 458.6 Washington, DC (ET) C Ar 8 00P

Train 173 (Boston-Washington): 16 stops, 11:45, 39.0 MPHTrain 172 (Washington-Boston): 16 stops, 10:45, 42.7 MPH

NOTE for No. 173 connection from Springfield to New Haven: "On Sunday, also July 4th and September 5th leaves Springfield 7:35 p.m., Hartford 8:15 p.m., arrives New Haven 9:05 p.m.—no baggage service."

NOTE for No. 172 connection from New Haven to Springfield: "On Sunday leaves New Haven 8:00 a.m., arriving Hartford 9:00 a.m., Springfield 9:45 a.m."

(Pennsylvania Railroad Notes)

Finest Roadbed and Heaviest Rail in America—You Can Sleep restfully



No. 172—Federal Express.

Sleeping Cars...Washington to Boston—6 Single Bedrooms, Buffet Lounge, Sun Parlor and 12-Section, Drawing-room.

Washington to Boston—10 Section, 2 Compartment, Drawing-room (exc. Saturday).

Washington to Springfield—12 Section, Drawing-room (except Saturday) (open at New Haven until 5:30 a.m.).

New York to Boston—12 Section, Drawing-room (open 9:15 p.m.).

Parlor Car...Washington to New York—Buffet Lounge.

Through Coach...Washington to Boston.

No. 173—Federal Express.

Sleeping Cars...Boston to Washington—6 Single Bedrooms, Buffet Lounge, Sun Parlor and 12 Section, Drawing-room.

Boston to Washington—10 Section, 2 Compartment, Drawing-room (except Saturday).

Springfield to Washington—12 Section, Drawing-room (daily, except Saturday) (open in New Haven upon arrival).

New York to Washington—12 Section, Drawing-room (opens 9:15 p.m.).

Providence to Philadelphia—12 Section, Drawing-room (Sundays, July 10th to August 28th, inclusive; also July 4th and September 5th) (in No. 179 from New York).

Through Coach...Boston to Washington.

Washington Sleepers may be occupied until 8:00 a.m.

All trains air-conditioned. Coaches on all trains unless otherwise noted.

(New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Notes)


THROUGH CAR SERVICE—Air-Conditioned Coaches on all trains except as otherwise noted.

No. 172—The Federal—Bedroom Car Washington to Boston (Single rooms). Sleeping Cars Washington to Boston; Washington to Springfield, except Saturday (No. 412 from New Haven); New York to Boston. Club Lounge Car Washington to Boston (Broiler Buffet).

No. 173—The Federal—Bedroom Car Boston to Washington (Single rooms). Sleeping Cars Boston to Washington; Springfield to Washington (except Saturday) (No. 97 week-days, No. 95 Sunday to New Haven); Providence to Philadelphia Monday, September 5th, only (No. 179 from New York). Club Lounge Car Boston to Washington (Broiler Buffet).

Regularly Assigned Cars Air-Conditioned.


New Haven - Cars en route from Springfield upon arrival.
New York, Pennsylvania Station - 9:30 p.m.
Providence - 9:00 p.m.


Boston, South Station - 7:30 a.m.
New Haven - Cars en route to Springfield must be vacated at 5:30 a.m.