From the pages of the Official Guide, August 1963

Erie RR herald

The Capitol Limited
The Columbian
The Ambassador

Baltimore & Ohio Railroad
July, 1963

5/25 Train Number 6/26
Daily Miles Services Daily
3 50P Dp 0.0 Baltimore, MD (Camden Sta.) (EDT) C R Ar 11 05A
4 35P Ar 36.8 Washington, DC (Union Station) C R Dp 10 25A
5 00P Dp Ar 10 00A
5 14P 43.7 Silver Spring, MD C X 9 39A
6 05P 91.9 Harpers Ferry, WV ♦ C X
6 33P 110.1 Martinsburg, WV ♦ C X 8 20A
8 05P Ar 182.7 Cumberland, MD C Dp 6 45A
8 13P Dp Ar 6 38A
10 35P Ar 274.9 Connellsville, PA C X Dp 4 08A
10 38P Dp Ar 4 05A
11 35P 317.9 McKeesport, PA C X F 3 02A
12 00A Ar 332.7 Pittsburgh, PA (P. & L. E. Station) C R Dp 2 35A
12 17A Dp Ar 2 32A
1 23A 379.9 New Castle, PA C X 1 25A
1 47A 398.2 Youngstown, OH C R X 1 02A
2 51A 452.0 Akron, OH (Union Sta.) (EDT) C R X 12 04A
3 00A Ar 525.9 Willard, OH (EST) C Dp 9 55P
The Ambassador
19 Continuing Train Number 20
3 30A Dp 525.9 Willard, OH C Ar 9 30P
F 3 55A 550.1 Tiffin, OH C X F 9 04P
F 4 15A 562.6 Fostoria, OH C X F 8 53P
F 5 00A 589.1 Bowling Green, OH X F 8 16P
5 55A 625.1 Toledo, OH C 7 40P
7 25A Ar 682.7 Detroit, MI (Mich. Central Sta.) (EST) C R Dp 6 15P
5/25 Continuing Train Number 6/26
3 10A Dp 525.9 Willard, OH C Ar 9 45P
F 3 32A 550.1 Tiffin, OH C X F 9 18P
F 3 44A 562.6 Fostoria, OH C X F 9 05P
4 08A 588.3 Deshler, OH C X F 8 40P
F 4 31A 613.3 Defiance, OH C X 8 17P
5 10A Ar 653.8 Garrett, IN C X Dp 7 40P
5 17A Dp Ar 7 30P
DF 5 57A 699.7 Nappanee, IN (EST) C X F 6 43P
DF 6 10A 715.6 La Paz, IN (CDT) C X 6 28P
DF 7 04A 770.8 Gary, IN C X 5 39P
DF 7 28A 784.9 South Chicago, IL C X 5 17P
DF 7 44A 794.6 Chicago, IL (Sixty-third St. Sta.) C X 5 00P
8 20A Ar 804.1 Chicago, IL (Grand Central Sta.) (CT) C R Dp 4 40P

Train 5/25 (Baltimore-Chicago): 22 stops, 17:30, 45.9 MPHTrain 5/25-19 (Washington-Detroit): 15 stops, 15:25, 41.9 MPH

Train 6/26 (Chicago-Baltimore): 21 stops, 17:25, 46.2 MPHTrain 20-6/26 (Detroit-Washington): 14 stops, 14:45, 43.8 MPH

NOTE: ♦—Indicates that this community returns to Standard Time September 22, 1963. Beginning this date, train times will be one hour earlier than shown.

NOTE: Train 5 does not accept or detrain passengers at New Castle, Youngstown, Akron, Tiffin, Fostoria, Deshler or Defiance. Trains 5 and 25 do not accept or detrain passengers at Harpers Ferry, although the Ambassador portion of the train does.

NOTE: Train 6 does not accept or detrain passengers at Defiance, Deshler, or New Castle.

NOTE: Train 9, running approximately 1-3 hours ahead of trains 5/25, offers checked baggage service at Silver Spring, Harpers Ferry, Martinsburg, Connellsville, McKeesport, New Castle, Youngstown, Akron, and all station stops between Tiffin and Gary, inclusive.

NOTE: Train 8, running approximately 5-6 hours behind trains 6/26, offers checked baggage service at Gary, Garrett, Deshler, Willard, Akron, Youngstown, New Castle, McKeesport, and Connellsville. Train 8 does not offer baggage service to minor station stops east of Cumberland. Train 10, running approximately 3-5 hours ahead of trains 6/26, offers checked baggage service at Martinsburg and Silver Spring. Train 10 offers checked baggage service only at major stations west of Cumberland.



Nos. 5 and 6—THE CAPITOL LIMITED. Daily.

Sleeping Cars...Between Baltimore and Chicago—10 Roomettes, 6 Double Bedrooms.

Between Washington and Chicago—16 Duplex Roomettes, 4 Double Bedrooms.

Between Washington and Chicago—10-Roomettes, 6 Double Bedrooms.

Lounge Car (Buffet)...Between Washington and Chicago—5 Double Bedrooms.

Stratadome Car—Between Washington and Chicago—5 Roomettes, 1 Single Bedroom, 3 Drawing-rooms. (Each Drawing-room accomodates 2 persons.)

Dining Car...Between Washington and Chicago.

Nos. 19 and 20—THE AMBASSADOR. Daily.

Sleeping Car—Between Washington and Detroit—10 Roomettes, 6 Double Bedrooms.
Lounge Car (Buffet)—Between Washington and Detroit—5 Double Bedrooms.
Dining Car—Between Washington and Detroit.
Reclining Seat Coach—Between Washington and Detroit.

Nos. 25 and 26—THE COLUMBIAN. Daily.
(Advance coach seat reservations required—without charge.)

(Only coach ticket plus small service charge required)
Between Baltimore and Chicago.
24 Single Rooms, 8 Double Rooms.
Stratadome Lounge Car...Between Baltimore and Chicago.
Dining Car...Between Washington and Chicago.
Coach Lounge Car (Buffet)...Between Baltimore and Chicago.
Reclining Seat Coaches (Lounge Rooms)—Between Baltimore and Chicago.

Fare table available in the Ticket Office.