From the pages of the Official Guide, April 1955

New York, New Haven & Hartford RR heraldPennsylvania RR Keystone herald

The Senator

New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad Co.
Pennsylvania Railroad
February 20, 1955

177 Train Number 176
Daily Miles(New York, New Haven & Hartford) Services Daily
11 00A Dp 0 Boston, MA (South Station) (ET) C R X Ar 8 30P
11 05A Boston, MA (Back Bay Station) C X 8 25P
11 16A 12 Route 128, MA X 8 11P
11 50A 44 Providence, RI C R X 7 37P
71 Kingston, RI (See Note) C X 7 10P
12 30P 88 Westerly, RI C X 6 54P
12 52P 106 New London, CT C R X 6 32P
123.8 Old Saybrook, CT C X 6 09P
1 43PAr 156.8 New Haven, CT C R XDp 5 35P
77 Connecting Train Number (New Haven) 60
12 10PDp 62 Springfield, MA C R XAr 7 02P
12 48P 36.5 Hartford, CT C R X 6 31P
1 02P 26 Berlin, CT C X 6 18P
1 14P 18.5 Meriden, CT C X 6 08P
1 41PAr 0 New Haven, CT C R XDp 5 40P
1 51PDp 156.8 New Haven, CT C R XAr 5 30P
2 10P 173.5 Bridgeport, CT C R X 5 12P
2 36P 197.8 Stamford, CT C R X 4 46P
3 20PAr 232.0 New York, NY (Penn Station) C R XDp 4 00P
(Pennsylvania Railroad)
3 30PDp 232.0 New York, NY (Penn Station) C R X Ar 3 45P
3 44P 242.0 Newark, NJ C R X 3 29P
4 54P 317.9 North Philadelphia, PA C X 2 22P
5 03P Philadelphia, PA (30th St. Station) C R X 2 13P
5 33P 350.1 Wilmington, DE C R X 1 44P
6 35P 418.5 Baltimore, MD C R X 12 41P
7 15P Ar 458.6 Washington, DC (ET) C R X Dp 12 00P

Train 177: 14 stops, 8:15, 55.6 MPHTrain 176: 15 stops, 8:30, 54.0 MPH

Note: On Sundays, Springfield/Hartford connection for Train 177 is NYNH&H Train 81, departing Springfield at 12:05 p.m., departing Hartford at 12:42 p.m., and arriving New Haven at 1:34 p.m. On Saturday, Sunday, and Feb. 22 [1955], Hartford/Springfield connection from train 176 is NYNH&H Train 58, departing New Haven at 5:47 p.m., arriving Hartford at 6:36 p.m., and arriving Springfield at 7:10 p.m.

Note for No. 176 at Kingston: "Stops only on Fridays."

(N. Y. N. H. & H. RR Notes)

Air-conditioned equipment is assigned as far as possible, but the right is reserved to employ non air-conditioned cars in emergencies or when the volume of traffic makes it necessary.

No. 176 - The Senator.

Parlor Cars (With drawing-room.) [Car Nos. 761-762-763]...Washington to Boston.
Parlor Car (Observation) [Car No. 760]...Washington to Boston.
Dining Car, Coffee Shop Car and Coaches...Washington to Boston.
Two-way Radio-Telephone Service, located in Parlor-Observation Car 760, available for the use of Pullman passengers, see Note A.

No checked baggage service on this train.

No. 177 - The Senator.

Parlor Cars (With drawing-room.) [Car Nos. 1772-1773-1774]...Boston to Washington.
Parlor Car (Observation) [Car No. 1771]...Boston to Washington.
Dining Car, Coffee Shop Car and Coaches...Boston to Washington.
Two-way Radio-Telephone Service, located in Parlor-Observation Car 1771, available for the use of Pullman passengers, see Note A.

No checked baggage service on this train.

Note A: Any extra sections of this train which are operated will be without telephone service.

(Pennsylvania RR Notes)

SLEEPING, PARLOR AND DINING CARS (Via New York, New Haven and Hartford R.R.).
(Coaches on all trains, except No. 179, New Haven to New York.)


No. 176 - THE SENATOR.

Parlor Cars...Washington to Boston.
New Haven to Springfield. (Except February 22 [1955].)

Parlor Observation Car...Washington to Boston - (Bar Lounge).

Coffee Shop Tavern...Washington to Boston.

Dining Car...Washington to Boston.

Cafe Coach...New Haven to Springfield. (Daily, except Saturdays and Sundays and February 22 [1955].)

Coaches...Washington to Boston - (Reclining Seats).
New Haven to Springfield.

Note: This train does not carry checked baggage.


No. 177 - THE SENATOR.

Parlor Cars...Boston to Washington.

Parlor Observation Car...Boston to Washington - (Bar Lounge).

Coffee Shop Tavern...Boston to Washington.

Dining Car...Boston to Washington.

Grill Car...Springfield to New Haven. (Daily, except Saturday and Sunday.)

Coaches...Boston to Washington - (Reclining Seats).
Springfield to New Haven.

Note: This train does not carry checked baggage.

Note: TRAIN TELEPHONE SERVICE - For use of Pullman passengers on trains Nos. 176 and 177 a telephone enclosure is located in the parlor observation bar lounge cars of these trains. Patrons can make telephone calls aboard these fast-moving trains.